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We've been asked why we are planting a church on The Central Coast and the main reason is simply that we feel God leading us to do this. 

We don't think we are all that, we don't think more of ourselves than we ought...but we're worshippers through and through and we live to glorify God and we've found that there are so many others who want to do this and do it with us. We've been around 30+ church plants over the years and it's intuitive for us and also an imperitive. 

The need is great. We love Australia soooo much, it's an abundant place but many Aussies feel like they just don’t need God because they think they have everything they need. Abundance is a false god in Australia and the majority of the people are lost. 350,000 people live on The Central Coast where there are 50 churches. That’s 1 church for every 7000 people with most of them having less than 100 members leaving the vast majority of the population on the Coast unchurched.

Australia is a post Christian nation that has seen Christianity decline from 61% in 2011 down to 43.9% in 2021.

Over 15,000,000 of Australia’s 25,000,000 people do not identify as Christian so planting churches that operate in the power of God is a desperate need so we're going to plant Bloom Co and do church the way we like doing it. Beautiful worship and plenty of it, a short but powerful word and plenty of time at the table, eating, drinking, laughing and getting to know all of their brokeness.

We learned something so valuable at Sandals Church, to be real with ourselves, God and others and that vulnerability, honesty and authenticity is a core value for us. We want to invite people into a life of authenticity and a life of worship. Our prayer is simple...Lord, let our lives be worship.